Veiled Craft - High-Level Goals
High Level Goals
MILESTONE 1 - Init, game loop, shutdown: DONE
- Windows Crap
- DX Init Crap
- V3D Init and draw something
MILESTONE 2 - In the world: DONE
- Basic models (Vince)
- 2D rendering capability for Front End/cockpit overlays - done
- placebo ship model - done
- Basic Inputs (Craig)
- inputs acknowledged - done
- design input packets - done
- AI framework - done
- Dynamic objects defined - done
- Ship physics - done but not properly tested
- Front End in existence (Craig) - done
MILESTONE 3 - Mid-December, 2002
- Vince
- Continuing with rendering
- Front End parser for psd
- Craig
- Collision and interaction detection and messaging
- Worldview module
- Front End functionality: bitmaps, buttons and screens - done
- Russ
- Vince
- In-game model loading and rendering
- Dynamic 3D overlays for the Cockpit
- Craig
- Collision and interaction handling complete
- Advanced dynamics: control systems and responses rather than Euler
- Complex weapon effects
- More complex front end functionality: lists, edits, dropdowns
- Russ
- Models for in-game objects
- Most Front End screens complete
- Vince
- Network connectivity can be built and is stable (even with Internet issues)
- All Rendering effects complete
- Craig
- All object interactions work and produce desired effects
- Networked commands encorporated in AI
- Balance testing with the multitude of AI parameters
- Russ
- Front End screens complete
- In game art complete
MILESTONE 6 - BETA - Gameplay Aspects
- Cleaning up problems
- Game solidly playable
MILESTONE 7 - RELEASE - Feature Creep (aka Version 2.0)
- Effects (lens flare)
- Coolness (power-ups)
- Options (different weapons)
- Computer-controlled ships
- Story-line